CS 607

Hot Topics in Systems

Fall 2024

Course Information

Have you ever wondered what the hot topics in systems are? What research problems interest top system conferences (SOSP, OSDI, NSDI, EuroSys, ATC, VLDB, SIGMOD)? What are the types of papers that are getting published at these conferences?
In this world of AI/ML, every major company (The Big Seven) is still looking for system designers and researchers. What systems do these companies work on? How do they design these systems? Do you want that edge during the interviews?
In this course, we will explore some of the latest research areas in systems, reviewing the most cited works and gathering insights behind those systems.

Time: Tues 2pm - 3:20pm PST
Location: Deschutes 200


Name Office Hours Location
Suyash Gupta By Appointment Deschutes 334



This is an upper-level course where we will study and discuss research papers from top systems, database, networking, and security conferences. This course places a heavy emphasis on attendance and paper reading/discussions. Additionally, each student will work towards coming up with a new research idea, which can lead to a future publication. Upon successful completion of this course, a student will have broader understanding in the following topics:

Grading Scheme

The final grade for the course will be based approximately on the following weights:


Shared-Disaggregated Memory

Vector Databases

Federated Learning


Date Paper Presenters
Oct 1 Introduction; Cornus: Atomic Commit for a Cloud DBMS with Storage Disaggregation. Suyash Gupta
Oct 8 Spotify's Annoy River, Quang, and Jonathan
Oct 8 Semeru: A Memory-Disaggregated Managed Runtime. Zac and Nihal
Oct 15 Towards Federated Learning at Scale: System Design Zac and Nihal
Oct 15 Oort: Efficient Federated Learning via Guided Participant Selection River, Quang, and Jonathan
Oct 22 TBD TBD
Oct 29 TBD TBD
Nov 5 MidTerm Research Idea Discussions TBD
Nov 12 TBD TBD
Nov 19 TBD TBD
Nov 26 TBD TBD
Dec 3 Final Research Idea Discussions TBD