
Suyash Gupta

Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Berkeley
suyash.gupta (at) berkeley.edu

About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Scholar at SkyLab, University of California, Berkeley. where I work with with Dr. Natacha Crooks. I will be joining Department of Computer Science, University of Oregon as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor from Fall 2024 and directing Distopia Laboratory.

My research focusses on designing efficient decentralized systems that can handle arbitrary failures and can scale across the WAN.

Previously, I was awarded Ph.D. degree at Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis. I also serve as the Lead Architect for ResilientDB, which I founded during my Ph.D at UC Davis.

I was awarded Best Graduate Researcher Award by UC Davis for my thesis, titled, Resilient and Scalable Architecture for Permissioned Blockchain Fabrics. During my Ph.D. I also authored a book titled, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Transactions on Blockchain, which was published by Morgan & Claypool as part of Synthesis Lectures on Data Management (also available now with Springer).

I started my PhD at Purdue University in August 2015 and transferred to University of California Davis in January 2018. At UC Davis, I was advised by Dr. Mohammad Sadoghi.

Prior to moving to UC Davis, I earned couple of master degrees. I was awarded Master of Science in Computer Science by Department of Computer Science at Purdue University in December 2017. During my time at Purdue, I also worked with Prof. Suresh Jagannathan in the domain of Distributed Systems and Programming Languages, and was associated with the PurPL and SIAM.

In more distant past, I worked with Dr. V. Krishna Nandivada at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. At IIT Madras, I was awarded Master of Science (Research) from the Department of CSE. My masters thesis led to several publications and was titled as Analyzing Recursive Task Parallel Programs..

Research Interests



  1. Books

    S. Gupta, J. Hellings and M. Sadoghi
    Morgan & Claypool, Synthesis Lectures on Data Management, 2021.


    S. Gupta, Y. Park, J. Bi, S. Gupta, A. Zufle, A. Wildani, Y. Liu
    38th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Database (ECML PKDD). 2024.
    S. Gupta, S. Rahnama, S. Pandey, N. Crooks, and M. Sadoghi
    18th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys). 2023.
    S. Gupta, M. J. Amiri and M. Sadoghi
    13th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR). 2023.
    S. Gupta, S. Rahnama, E. Linsenmayer, F. Nawab, and M. Sadoghi
    39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). 2023.
    S. Rahnama, S. Gupta, R. Sogani, D. Krishnan and M. Sadoghi
    25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT). 2022.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings and M. Sadoghi
    37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). 2021.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings, S. Rahnama, and M. Sadoghi
    24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology. (EDBT). 2021.
    S. Gupta, S. Rahnama and M. Sadoghi
    40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). 2020.
    S. Gupta, S. Rahnama, J. Hellings and M. Sadoghi
    Very Large Databases (VLDB). 2020.
    T. Qadah, S. Gupta and M. Sadoghi
    23rd International Conference of Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2020.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings and M. Sadoghi
    33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC). 2019.
    S. Gupta and M. Sadoghi
    21st International Conference of Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2018.
    S. Gupta, R. Shrivastava, and V. K. Nandivada
    31st Intenational Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2017.


    S. Gupta, M. Sadoghi
    Distributed and Parallel Database (DAPD). 2019.
    S. Gupta and V. K. Nandivada
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Elsevier, 2015.

    Selected Articles

    S. Gupta
    International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS), 2022.
    S. Gupta
    PhD Workshop, Very Large Databases (VLDB), 2020.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings, T. Qadah, S. Rahnama and M. Sadoghi
    International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS), 2019.
    S. Gupta, M. Sadoghi
    Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. Springer, Cham, 2018.


    R. Frank, M. Murray, S. Gupta, Q. Xu, N. Crooks, and M. Kapritsos
    under review, 2023.


    S. Gupta, J. Hellings, S. Rahnama and M. Sadoghi
    46th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), 2020.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings, S. Rahnama and M. Sadoghi
    14th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2020.
    S. Gupta, J. Hellings, S. Rahnama and M. Sadoghi
    Middleware Tutorials (MIDDLEWARE), 2019.


    S. Rahnama, S. Gupta, T. Qadah, J. Hellings and M. Sadoghi
    46th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), 2020.


Assitant Editor

Conference Reviewer

Journal Reviewer

External Reviewer

Artifact Evaluation Committee

Web Chair



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